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What is Forensic Science?

The term forensics includes forensic (or forensis, in Latin), which means a public discussion or debate. In a more modern context, however, forensics applies to courts or...

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What is Social Science?

What is social science?
Social science, in its broadest sense, is the study of society and how people behave and affect the world around us.

Social science tells us about the world beyond our immediate experience and can help explain how our own society works – from the causes of unemployment or what contributes to economic growth, how and why people vote or what makes people happy. It provides important information for governments and policymakers, local authorities, nongovernmental organizations, and others.

Social science disciplines
Social science covers a wide range of disciplines.

Demography and social statistics, methods and data processing.

Demography is the study of populations and population changes and trends using resources such as birth, death, and disease statistics.
Social Statistics, Methods, and Computing involves the collection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative social science data.

Development Studies, Human Geography, and Environmental Planning.

Development studies is a multidisciplinary branch of the social sciences that addresses a range of social and economic issues related to developing or low-income countries.

Human geography studies the world, its people, communities, and cultures, and differs from physical geography primarily in that it focuses on human activities and their impacts-for example, environmental change.

Environmental planning studies the decision-making processes for managing relationships within and between human systems and natural systems in order to manage these processes effectively, transparently, and equitably.

Economics, Management, and Business Administration.

Economics seeks to understand how individuals interact within the social structure to address key issues related to the production and exchange of goods and services.

Management and Business Studies examines a wide range of aspects related to the activities and management of business, such as strategic and operational management, organizational psychology, labor relations, marketing, accounting, finance, and logistics.

Education, Social Anthropology, and Linguistics.

Education is one of the most important social sciences and explores how people learn and develop.
Social anthropology is the study of how human societies and social structures are organized and understood.
Linguistics focuses on language and how people communicate through spoken sounds and words.
Legal, Economic and Social History

Law focuses on the rules created by governments and people to ensure a more orderly society.
Economic – and Social History looks at past events to learn from history and better understand the processes of today’s society.

Politics and International Relations

Politics focuses on democracy and the relationship between people and politics, at all levels, from the individual to the national and international levels.
International relations is the study of relationships between countries, including the roles of other organizations.

Psychology and Sociology

Psychology studies the human mind and seeks to understand how people and groups experience the world through various emotions, ideas, and states of consciousness.
Sociology involves groups of people, rather than individuals, and seeks to understand the way people relate to each other and function as a society or social subgroups.

Science and Technology Studies

Science and Technology Studies is concerned with what scientists do, what their role is in our society, the history and culture of science, and the politics and debates that shape our modern scientific and technological world.

Social Policy and Social Work

Social policy is an interdisciplinary and applied field concerned with analyzing societies’ responses to social needs, focusing on aspects of society, economics, and politics that are necessary for human existence and how to provide them.
Social work focuses on social change, problem solving in human relationships, and empowering and liberating people to improve social justice.

What is Forensic Science?

The term forensics includes forensic (or forensis, in Latin), which means a public discussion or debate. In a more modern context, however, forensics applies to courts or the justice system. Combine that with science, and forensics means using scientific methods and processes to solve crimes.

Forensic science began to be used in the late 18th century, when medical professionals began to use writings that revealed the first evidence of modern pathology, to the formation of the first school of forensics in 1909; The development of forensics has been used to uncover mysteries, solve crimes, and convict or exonerate suspects of crime for hundreds of years.

The extraordinary scientific innovations and advances in forensics have made it a sophisticated science involving a number of disciplines and thousands of forensic scientists specializing in DNA and botany, dentistry and toolmakers.

The application of forensics
The field of forensics draws on a number of scientific branches, including physics, chemistry, and biology, with an emphasis on the detection, identification, and evaluation of physical evidence. It has become an essential part of the justice system, using a wide range of sciences to obtain information relevant to criminal and legal evidence.

Forensics can prove the existence of a crime, the perpetrator of a crime, or a link to a crime through the:

Examining physical evidence
Administration of tests
Interpretation of data
Clear and concise reporting
Truthful testimony of a forensic scientist

Forensic science has become an integral part of many criminal cases and convictions, with objective facts through scientific evidence serving both defense and prosecution arguments. The testimony of forensic scientists has become a trusted component of many civil and criminal cases, as these professionals are not concerned with the outcome of the case.only with their objective testimony based solely on scientific facts.

Forensic scientists perform both physical and chemical analysis on physical evidence obtained from crime scene investigators and law enforcement officers at the scene. These scientific experts use microscopic examination techniques, complex instrumentation, mathematical principles, scientific principles, and reference literature to analyze evidence to identify both class and individual characteristics.

Although the majority of forensic scientists perform their work within the confines of the forensic laboratory or morgue, their work may take them outside the laboratory and to the crime scene, where they observe the scene and collect evidence. Forensic scientists may work for local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies and departments, private laboratories, and hospitals. They may also serve as independent forensic science consultants.

The Organization of Forensic Science
Because of the highly complex field of forensics, forensic scientists are most often trained in a specific area of forensics, such as latent prints, interrogated documents, trace evidence, or firearms, to name a few.

Forensic pathologists can be divided into three broad groups:

Forensic pathologists: These include medical examiners and other professionals who oversee autopsies and clinical forensic examinations
Forensic scientists: these include forensic scientists who work in law enforcement, government, or private forensic laboratories and are responsible for processing a range of specific tests and analyses such as toxicology, ballistics, trace evidence, etc.
Associate Scientists: include scientific professionals who lend their knowledge to forensic science, such as forensic odontologists, forensic botanists, forensic anthropologists, etc. These scientists apply their knowledge to the field of forensics to provide investigators with vital information on everything from bite marks to insect infestations on the postmortem body.
Forensic science is therefore further divided into the following areas:

Trace Analysis
Forensic toxicology
Forensic Psychology
Forensic podology
Forensic Pathology
Forensic Optometry
Forensic odontology
Forensic linguistics
Forensic geology
Forensic Entomology
Forensic Engineering
Forensic DNA Analysis
Forensic Botany
Forensic Archaeology
Forensic Anthropology
Digital Forensics

Forensic science often includes even more specialized areas such as forensic accounting, forensic science, and forensic psychiatry.

The Study of Forensic Science

Although forensics can be a very complex study, especially in the areas of DNA – and trace evidence, the study of forensics, for example, is based on basic concepts and techniques that come from the natural sciences. In particular, the study of forensics involves a multidisciplinary approach that covers everything from biological methods to analytical chemical techniques.

The majority of forensic scientists study a specific physical science such as chemistry or biology, while others pursue forensic degrees rooted in either chemistry or biology.

A comprehensive degree from a college or university comes from the biological sciences as well as criminal justice and law. Students learn to appreciate both the scientific and social environments of the criminal justice system, and many students focus on specific areas of forensics, such as DNA, trace evidence, toxicology, latent prints, or interrogated documents, for example.


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